Phone Scripts 6.14-6.17.2018: Act Every Day - Protect the Children

It’s all about guaranteeing rights and acting with morality. That’s something this administration just doesn’t value. Call today. Call tomorrow. Call every day.

Tell our Senators to protect the children and keep families together. Tell our representatives to value families and defend the country, not partisan issues. Tell them all to support the Keep Families Together Act.

Every day.

Both Senators
DC phone: (202) 224-3841
SF phone:  (415) 393-0707

DC phone: (202) 224-3553
SF phone: (415) 981-9369

Friday:  Protect the Children:  Keep Families Together!

Hi, my name is _______ and I’m a constituent from zip code______ and a member of Indivisible. I’m calling to thank the Senator for sponsoring the Keep Families Together Act and to urge her not to rest until it has become law.

Tearing migrant children from their parents and incarcerating them in cages for a misdemeanor offense is state-sponsored terror. It is inhuman, it is despicable and it is evil. It stains the United States and causes irreparable harm to the children and parents. What is done to one family is done to us all:  as Arthur Miller wrote, “they were all my sons”. We must treat all the children as if they were our own and protect them.


Saturday:  Protect the Children:  Keep Families Together!

Hi, my name is _______ and I’m a constituent from zip code______ and a member of Indivisible. I’m calling again today to thank the Senator for sponsoring the Keep Families Together Act and to urge her not to rest until it has become law.

Tearing migrant children from their parents and incarcerating them in cages for a misdemeanor offense is state-sponsored terror. It is inhuman, it is despicable and it is evil. It stains the United States and causes irreparable harm to the children and parents. What is done to one family is done to us all:  as Arthur Miller wrote, “they were all my sons”. We must treat all the children as if they were our own and protect them.


Sunday:  Protect the Children:  Keep Families Together!

Hi, my name is _______ and I’m a constituent from zip code______ and a member of Indivisible. I’m calling yet again to thank the Senator for sponsoring the Keep Families Together Act and to urge her not to rest until it has become law.

Tearing migrant children from their parents and incarcerating them in cages for a misdemeanor offense is state-sponsored terror. It is inhuman, it is despicable and it is evil. It stains the United States and causes irreparable harm to the children and parents. What is done to one family is done to us all:  as Arthur Miller wrote, “they were all my sons”. We must treat all the children as if they were our own and protect them.


Both Representatives

DC phone: (202) 225-5161
Petaluma phone:  (707) 981-8967

DC phone: (202) 225-3311
Santa Rosa phone: (707) 542-7182

Friday:  Protect the Children:  Keep Families Together!

Hi, my name is _______ and I’m a constituent from zip code______ and a member of Indivisible. I’m calling to ask [Representative Thompson/Huffman] to support our Senators’ Keep Families Together Act and to introduce similar legislation in the House.

Tearing migrant children from their parents and incarcerating them in cages for a misdemeanor offense is state-sponsored terror. It is inhuman, it is despicable and it is evil. It stains the United States and causes irreparable harm to the children and parents. What is done to one family is done to us all:  as Arthur Miller wrote, “they were all my sons”. We must treat all the children as if they were our own and protect them.


Saturday:  Protect the Children:  Keep Families Together!

Hi, my name is _______ and I’m a constituent from zip code______ and a member of Indivisible. I’m calling again today to ask [Representative Thompson/Huffman] to support our Senators’ Keep Families Together Act and to introduce similar legislation in the House.

Tearing migrant children from their parents and incarcerating them in cages for a misdemeanor offense is state-sponsored terror. It is inhuman, it is despicable and it is evil. It stains the United States and causes irreparable harm to the children and parents. What is done to one family is done to us all:  as Arthur Miller wrote, “they were all my sons”. We must treat all the children as if they were our own and protect them.


Sunday:  Protect the Children:  Keep Families Together!

Hi, my name is _______ and I’m a constituent from zip code______ and a member of Indivisible. I’m calling yet again to ask [Representative Thompson/Huffman] to support our Senators’ Keep Families Together Act and to introduce similar legislation in the House.

Tearing migrant children from their parents and incarcerating them in cages for a misdemeanor offense is state-sponsored terror. It is inhuman, it is despicable and it is evil. It stains the United States and causes irreparable harm to the children and parents. What is done to one family is done to us all:  as Arthur Miller wrote, “they were all my sons”. We must treat all the children as if they were our own and protect them.
