Phone Scripts 2.26-28.2018: Condemn Republican Tax Scam/Revoke Jared’s Security Clearance NOW

Security clearances. Gun violence. Election security. The ACA. And don’t forget the tax scam. So many opportunities to make our country better.

ALL Members of Congress (MoCs)
DC phone: (202) 224-3841
SF phone:  (415) 393-0707

DC phone: (202) 224-3553
SF phone: (415) 355-9041

DC phone: (202) 225-5161
Petaluma phone:  (707) 981-8967

DC phone: (202) 225-3311
Santa Rosa phone:  (707) 542-7182

Condemn the Republican Tax Scam

Hi, my name is _______ and I’m a constituent from zip code______ and a member of Indivisible. I’m calling to ask [the MoC] to keep the harm of the Republican Tax Scam front and center as a key part of their messaging.

The Republicans rushed through a monstrous bill last December with no Democratic input. It overwhelmingly favors the idle rich over working Americans and will explode the deficit. It was breathtakingly irresponsible and mean-spirited. Nevertheless, there is always the danger that inattentive voters will only notice the small tax cut they receive and not realized the hundreds of millions being delivered to the super-rich, nor the cuts to their own benefits that are around the corner. It is imperative that [the MoC] take the lead on continuing to point to the unfairness, sloppiness and harm of this bill. It’s also imperative not to help fix it – they messed it up, they must own it.

Will [the MoC] make the tax scam a central part of their messaging?


Revoke Jared’s Security Clearance NOW

Hi, my name is _______ and I’m a constituent from zip code______ and a member of Indivisible. I’m calling to ask [the MoC] to demand that White House chief of staff John Kelly revoke Jared Kushner’s security clearance immediately.

Kushner still is on an interim clearance, an unusual occurrence prompted at least in part by his “forgetting” significant information at least three times. He also requests more information than anyone outside the NSC. And he’s in financial hot water, trying to get a loan for a bad investment he made in 666 Fifth Avenue at the height of the bubble. To top it off, he’s implicated in the Russia probe, though not yet charged. He’s a grave national security risk who may well be putting our country in danger. His clearance must be cut off. NOW.


Stand with the Students and #NeverAgain

Hi, my name is _______ and I’m a constituent from zip code______ and a member of Indivisible. I’m calling to ask [the MoC] to support the activist students of Marjorie Stoneman Douglas school every step of the way. Meet with them, praise them, listen to them.

The students who, in the aftermath of the murder of seventeen of their friends, have ignited a movement are fierce and determined. They should be a beacon to us all. I need [the MoC] to listen to them and to amplify their message. They are true leaders. Learn from them and help them succeed.


Support Mueller and Schiff

Hi, my name is _______ and I’m a constituent from zip code______ and a member of Indivisible. I’m calling to ask [the MoC] to vocally support the work of Robert Mueller and his team investigating Russian/Trump interference in the 2016 election. And I’m also asking [the MoC] to denounce the Nunes memo, which was nothing more than a “Big Lie” and disinformation campaign – a fact made clear by Adam Schiff’s rebuttal memo.

Russia attacked our country’s election in 2016, perhaps even installing a man who gives every appearance of being their puppet, Donald Trump. Republicans are refusing to act, in essence giving aid and comfort to our enemy and abandoning our country. This is an abomination. Mueller is doing phenomenal work but must continue to be protected. Nunes’s lies must be called out for what they are:  not “another point of view” but a deliberate lie. Don’t mince words:  be direct and clear. Take leadership. Fight back.


Don’t Forget the ACA

Hi, my name is _______ and I’m a constituent from zip code______ and a member of Indivisible. I’m calling to ask [the MoC] to continue to fight to protect the Affordable Care Act (ACA). It is still being threatened on multiple fronts and, along with it, our access to affordable care. Protect it!!

The state of Idaho is attempting to disregard the ACA. HHS is working to allow skimpy plans that last twelve months, which would undercut protections for those with pre-existing conditions. The purpose is clear:  kill the bill by dismantling it bit by bit. This must not happen.

Will [the MoC] fight these moves tooth and nail?
