Phone Scripts 3.22-25.2018: Scrutinize Spending Bill/Demand Protection for Mueller Investigation + More

Regulating who gets access to guns should be a priority. And we should let Mr. Mueller investigation be complete, regulate private information on Facebook, and reject efforts to fix the tax plan.

ALL Members of Congress (MoCs)
DC phone: (202) 224-3841
SF phone:  (415) 393-0707

DC phone: (202) 224-3553
SF phone: (415) 981-9369

DC phone: (202) 225-5161
Petaluma phone:  (707) 981-8967

DC phone: (202) 225-3311
Santa Rosa phone: (707) 542-7182

Scrutinize the Spending Bill

Hello, my name is _____ and I’m a constituent from <zip code> and a member of Indivisible Sonoma County. I’m calling to ask the <Senator/ Representative> to carefully scrutinize the spending bill that Congress will approve or reject by Friday, March 23.

This bill does not include any protection for DACA youth. It does not preserve funding for the ACA. Both of these efforts have been promised - and not approved. And while the bill limits funding for a wall along the border with Mexico, it significantly increases funding for a military expansion. Your constituents are also concerned about funding for education, medical care, emergency relief, housing, human services, and infrastructure. Please don’t approve this bill without considering thoroughly what will - and will not - be funded.


Demand Protection for the Mueller Investigation

Hi, my name is _______ and I’m a constituent from zip code______ and a member of Indivisible. I’m calling to ask [the MoC] to both reiterate their call for passing legislation to protect the investigation by Robert Mueller into the Russian attack on our electoral system and to denounce Republicans for refusing to protect him.

The risk to Mueller has dramatically increased, with Andrew McCabe’s firing and Trump’s deranged tweet storms threatening the investigation. Republicans have made a few weak comments in response, signaling to Trump that he can roll right over them whenever he’s ready. Excuse me, but our nation was attacked by a hostile power and by refusing to protect the investigation into that attack, they’re abandoning their oaths of office. I need [the MoC] to call them on the carpet for refusing to defend their country.


Facebook Must Be Regulated

Hi, my name is _______ and I’m a constituent from zip code______ and a member of Indivisible. I’m calling to ask [the MoC] to push for legislation that will regulate Facebook, a company which through an apparent combination of avarice and negligence has put democracy at risk.

This week’s revelations have been explosive and they’re clearly only the tip of the iceberg. Cambridge Analytica was able to steal the data of tens of millions of Facebook users while Facebook either was unaware or, more likely, looked the other way. The result may well have been the Presidency* of Donald Trump. Mark Zuckerberg, after hiding out for days, finally issued a non-apology, promising to do better. That’s not anywhere good enough. Facebook has had its chance to regulate itself and it failed miserably. It’s time for Congress to step in.



Hi, my name is _______ and I’m a constituent from zip code______ and a member of Indivisible. I’m calling to ask [the MoC] to relentlessly publicize, to support and to participate in the March For Our Lives this coming Saturday, March 24th.

The students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, are leading one of the great movements of our time. The next key step in that movement to pass sensible gun legislation to protect our children is their March For Our Lives this coming Saturday. I’m urging [the MoC] to both publicize the March and also to attend it. And then: pay attention to the students. Because they are the most articulate messengers for this cause, bar none. Please, study what they do and learn.


No Stealing Workers’ Tips!

Hi, my name is _______ and I’m a constituent from zip code______ and a member of Indivisible. I’m calling to ask [the MoC] to demand that the Department of Labor abandon it’s proposed new rule that would give employers control over their workers’ tips.

The attacks by the Trump regime against working Americans by the rich have gone on long enough. Now they’re trying to finalize a rule that would allow restaurant employers to take their workers tips. To do this, they had to use a regime trick first, of course:  hide the analyses describing what effects their plan would have. As we’re forced to say over and over these days, this is despicable.

Will [the MoC] denounce the DOL rule that will allow employers to steal their workers’ tips?


No Fixes for a Broken Tax Plan

Hi, my name is _______ and I’m a constituent from zip code______ and a member of Indivisible. I’m calling to ask [the MoC] to refuse to vote for legislative fixes to the Republican Tax Scam passed last December.

Republicans rushed through an enormous and complex bill in secrecy last December. They excluded Democrats completely from the process. And in their hurry they made a number of bad mistakes. Now they want help fixing them. Tell them:  NO. No, you won’t bail them out after they cut you out of the process. No, you won’t put patches on a bill designed to siphon money out of the pockets of working Americans and give it to the indolent rich. No, you’re not going to hide their sloppiness and recklessness from the American people. NO.
