Phone Scripts 11.19-11.26.2018

Did you take a break? Great!! And now, it’s time to make some calls. Our Members of Congress love our calls, because they keep us all focused on a better future.

Call about appointments, sanctions, Global Warming, and Nancy Pelosi. Make your calls now.

DC phone: (202) 224-3841
SF phone:  (415) 393-0707

DC phone: (202) 224-3553
SF phone: (415) 981-9369

DC phone: (202) 225-5161
Petaluma phone:  (707) 981-8967

DC phone: (202) 225-3311
Santa Rosa phone: (707) 542-7182

Whitaker Is Unfit to Be Attorney General

Hi, my name is _______ and I’m a constituent from zip code______ and a member of Indivisible. I’m calling to ask [the MoC] to continue to attack the appointment of Matthew Whitaker as acting Attorney General.

Whitaker was installed purposefully to disrupt or destroy the Mueller investigation. He has relationships and past comments that require him to recuse from supervising the investigation, but has refused to do so. The legality of his appointment is questionable. And he is a legal lightweight, unfit in every way for such a momentous job. He should step down immediately.


Sanction Mohammed bin Salman

Hi, my name is _______ and I’m a constituent from zip code______ and a member of Indivisible. I’m calling to ask [the MoC] to press Congress to demand that the administration sanction Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, under the Global Magnitsky Act.

The CIA has concluded that bin Salman ordered the gruesome torture and murder of journalist and American resident Jamal Khashoggi. Although the administration has imposed sanctions on more than a dozen Saudi citizens, it’s been hands-off with bin Salman, the man responsible. This is unacceptable. Khashoggi’s murder was an abomination. Mohammed bin Salman must pay for his crime.


Global Warming is Killing Californians

Hi, my name is _______ and I’m a constituent from zip code______ and a member of Indivisible. I’m calling to ask [the MoC] to use the horror of the fires raging in California to remind Americans that we must begin to deal with global warming NOW.

The planet doesn’t care what we believe. It’s just responding to what is – and that’s rapidly rising temperatures that are causing extreme weather events, including those that are leading to catastrophic fires the likes of which we’ve never seen before. We don’t care what Republicans deny. We want action to address catastrophic warming and we need it NOW.


Both Representatives

DC phone: (202) 225-5161
Petaluma phone:  (707) 981-8967

DC phone: (202) 225-3311
Santa Rosa phone: (707) 542-7182

Nancy Must Be the Speaker

Hi, my name is _______ and I’m a constituent from zip code______ and a member of Indivisible. I’m calling to ask Representative [Huffman, Thompson] to strongly support retaining Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House.

Nancy Pelosi has been the most successful Speaker of the House in the last half century. She’s a superb tactician and inspired leader who is the right person to lead the Democratic caucus in this perilous time. Consider: without her fortitude, the Affordable Care Act would never have been passed. Voter backlash against attacks on the ACA fueled this election’s Democratic takeover of the House. To replace Nancy would be insanity.

The reason she faces opposition is largely because Pelosi has been so successful – which has led to her constant demonization by the Republicans. Those eager to replace her hope to blunt Republican attacks, but this is a fantasy. They will demonize anyone we put forward. Don’t be fooled: they’re afraid of her for good reason. We must keep Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House.
